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Welcome Lenders

As a lender, you want a title and escrow company with experience underwriting and closing many different types of transactions – not just conventional, VA and FHA, but secondary financing, bridge loans, construction loans, SBA loans, and reverse mortgages. And given the current (and future) regulatory environment, experience alone is not sufficient. You also need a company that is CFPB compliant and meets your rigorous vetting standards. You need a company that is timely with the return of settlement figures and of course, one that gets transactions to and through closing without drama or delay. In short, you need Unified Title Company.

Resources At Your Finger Tips

Open orders through a secure online portal, get premium quotes, download UTC’s best practices and get information about endorsements to augment your loan policy.

  1. Locate your Subject Property – you can search by address or by owner (last name / business name). If you are not certain about the spelling of the address or name, enter what you know and ValueCheck will return every record fitting your criteria. If for some reason ValueCheck can not locate your property, continue to the main entry screen and enter the information manually.
  2. Provide us with Preliminaries – (i) the type and category of order; (ii) where you would like to direct it. If you are unsure as to where to direct an order, please select “Any Unified Title Office.”
  3. Complete the Main Order and Additional Information Screens –  use of the additional information screen is optional, but recommended. You can include attachments with your order or provide us with other pertinent information that will assist us in processing it.

Turn Around Times and Underwriting Assumptions

In general, guarantees and loan-only transactions take 1-2 business days and sale transactions take 2-3 business days (please allow 3-4 days for commercial properties). Orders on properties located in remote counties may require additional time.

For loan and sale transactions, we always obtain tax certificates. Typically, tax certificates are ordered shortly before closing to minimize cancelled transaction expenses. We will supply tax information when we issue your title commitment. For loan transactions, your title commitment will include Forms 100 and 8.1 and other applicable endorsements. Please use the Notes field of the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION screen to exclude coverage or to add any specific endorsements.


To expedite order processing, this portion of the Unified Title Company website requires login credentials.


Use this for Southern Colorado fees.  A tool for lenders providing residential loans – this calculator quotes title, escrow and recording charges.  Use Calculator